UbiGo Innovation AB Info & Löner Bolagsfakta


Maskot till UBIGO – Daniel Svenberg

25. 5.1. “Move About”. 25.

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Under this project, the Municipality of Stockholm is working with three SMEs – UbiGo, SnappCar, and GoMore, companies that develop different projects to  Source: Mobility as a Service–The End of Car Ownership?, Maas Global. UbiGo– MaaS platform for Stockholm. UbiGo Innovations AB and Fluidtime AG (part of  18 mars 2019 Ubigo a lancé une app de MaaS à Stockholm. Via ID veut suivre le développement d'Ubigo sur le long terme "sans en prendre le pouvoir",  4 Feb 2021 piloted the first multimodal mobility app, UbiGo, (operational in Stockholm since 2019), while the first commercially viable MaaS platform was  19 mars 2019 Après une expérimentation menée à Göteborg, Ubigo s'est déployée à Stockholm à l'été 2018 avec le soutien de la mairie et de l'opérateur de  Ubigo, which was piloted in Goteborg during 2014 and MaaS.fi, a Finnish MaaS- is based on the consumption of the PT-service (a Stockholm citizen receives  Currently, UbiGo Innovation plans to relaunch the UbiGo service in Stockholm as part of a EU-funded. R&D project (civitas.eu/eccentric).

M., Eliasson, J., Hugsson, M.B. and Brundell-Freij, K. (2012): The Stockholm  UbiGo is a Swedish SME formed as a result of the successful and thoroughly the H2020 CiViTAS Eccentric project with the City of Stockholm as site leader. 21 mai 2019 Après une expérimentation réussie à Göteborg pendant plusieurs mois, le service a été lancé à Stockholm et l'entreprise compte se développer  29 Aug 2017 The session was opened by Hans Arby, CEO for UbiGo, a MaaS pioneer A new trial will be launched this year in Stockholm and will serve as  UbiGo Innovation AB – Org.nummer: 556985-8268.

Hans Arby - Building Sustainability 2018

, Residential MaaS,. I mars 2018 blir det möjligt för hundratalet Stockholmshushåll att abonnera på mobilitet – allt i en app, allt på en faktura via tjänten UbiGo. UbiGo Sweden AB,559231-3810 - På allabolag.se hittar du , styrelse, Status, adress mm för UbiGo Sweden AB. Ort: 111 49 Stockholm; Län: Stockholms län.

Ubigo stockholm

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UbiGo innebär ett enklare och mer klimatsmart vardagsresande för storstadsbor med kollektivtrafik, pool- och hyrbil, taxi och cykel – allt i en app. UbiGo Sweden AB – Org.nummer: 559231-3810. På Bolagsfakta.se hittar du kontakt-och företagsinformation, nyckeltal, lön till VD & styrelse m.m. UbiGo Stockholm är ett exempel på en så kallad Mobility as a Service-tjänst. Mobilitet som en tjänst kan enklast beskrivas som ett koncept – eller en slags målbild för hur vi kan röra oss friare i framtidens storstäder med hjälp av smarta resetjänster. För ytterligare information, kontakta: Peter Viinapuu VD Cabonline 070-4205304 UbiGo, Stockholm, Sweden. 583 likes · 1 talking about this.

The MaaS service was introduced for approximately 200 external households in the city with the third generation of Fluidtime MaaS technology. Stakeholder Role UbiGo Mobility service provider / project lead Via-ID UbiGo investor UbiGo, Travis och BRF Viva – tre svenska kombinerade mobilitetstjänster – tre olika aktörer.

Ubigo stockholm

2.1 UbiGo - first MaaS servicein Stockholm UbiGo launched its combined mobility service in Stockholm in February 2019.

The work takes place both within the EU project Civitas Eccentric and through an in-depth evaluation made possible by co-financing from Vinnova, SL and the City of Stockholm.
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In or-der to serve as a realistic and attractive alternative to car ownership, the service UbiGo is partnering up with the city of Stockholm, Trafikförvaltningen, Region Stockholm, Hertz, Move About, Cabonline Group to provide one of the many solutions needed to decrease cars in the UbiGo was born out of the very successful pilot in Gothenburg, now we are relaunching in Stockholm in cooperation with the platform provider Fluidtime and mobility service providers such as SL UbiGo is a fully integrated mobility service for everyday travel (or Mobility as a Service, MaaS).

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“Move About”. 25. 5.2. UbiGo - app. 28.

-Vi kommer att  I höst kör de första testerna av UbiGo Stockholm igång, en tjänst där hushållen via en app abonnerar på mobilitet — allt från kollektivtrafikresor till taxi, bilpooler,  UbiGo hans.arby@ubigo.me.